The second edition of the Intensive Course for the students of TUFTS University in Boston(Summer Intensive Program in Computer and Data Science 2023) is going to end this week. The first edition was held during Summer 2022. This year was a great success, both in terms...
From 2 June to 9 July 2022 19 students from Tufts University in Boston will be at Palazzo Vistarino to attend a Summer Intensive Program in Computer and Data Science. Students will attend computer science and data science courses at the Department of Industrial...
Foundation Alma Mater Ticinensis has adopted Bio Covid-19 Security Protocols. The document contains health and safety guidance protocols for measures which are designed to combat and contain the spread of the COVID-19 virus in Palazzo Vistarino, in accordance with the...
From Illinois to Pavia to tell about her international experience, in the Covid period. Nicole Ruggiero, a student of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, who participated in the semester abroad program based in Palazzo Vistarino in spring 2020, was...
Con un modulo dell’executive MBA Ticinensis in tema di innovazione – dalle organizzazione esponenziali all’iper-agilità strategica – Il 24 e 25 luglio riprendono a Palazzo Vistarino le attività didattiche in presenza. La sala della Musica...